I am going to do something different in this Gems than I have done before. I am giving you all of the harmonised segments for all of Luke 24. I am doing it just so a pattern will emerge for you that we can discuss later. Also it will mean that you have the portions of each segment we will discuss as we move through this last chapter of Luke. Therefore you can start colouring at your leisure. Remember the code.
- Common Material
- Uniquely Matthew
- Uniquely Mark
- Uniquely Luke
- Uniquely John
The first segment we will deal with in the next Gems is Luke 24:1-8.
Cast your eye over the total picture just simply by looking at the titles of those segments.
- 169. The visit of the women to the tomb of Jesus
- 170. The earthquake, the rolling away of the stone by an angel, and the fright of the Roman watchers
- 171. The visit of the women to the tomb of Jesus about sunrise Sunday morning and the message of the angels about the empty tomb
- 172. Mary Magdalene and the other women report to the apostles, and Peter and John visit the empty tomb
- 173. The appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene and the message to the disciples
- 174. The appearance of Jesus to the other women
- 175. Some of the guard report to the Jewish rulers
- 176. The appearance of two disciples (Cleophas and another) on the way to Emmaus
- 177. The report of the two disciples and the news of the appearance to Simon Peter
- 178. The appearance to the astonished disciples (Thomas absent) with a commission and their failure to convince Thomas
- 179. The appearance to the disciples the next Sunday night and the convincing of Thomas
- 180. The appearance to the seven disciples beside the Sea of Galilee; The miraculous draught of fishes
- 181. The appearance to about five hundred on an appointed mountain in Galilee, and a commission given
- 182. The appearance to James the brother of Jesus
- 183. The appearance to the disciples with another commission
- 184. The last appearance and ascension
Now you have to admit this is a different look at the ending of a gospel than you are used to. Right? Why is that? Luke’s focus is primary set on the post-resurrection appearances or encounters with Jesus that there were. There is no attempt to round the end of the gospel off theologically. There is also no attempt to provide a capstone to the gospel related to the mandate or commission given to the disciples to take this message to the world. All Luke gives us is a list of the appearances made to various individuals and groups of people after the resurrection. Then he draws his gospel to an end but closing Jesus ministry with the Ascension. How fitting to do so. We will see when we return to the analysis of all of this what Luke does when it come to Great Commission. Not only that but there is a clear link between Luke’s first book, his Gospel, which some call 1 Luke and the book of the Acts of the Apostles which is called by some 2 Luke. Others call them History 1 and History 2.
Take the time now to look at the big picture first before we begin to look at the details of each segment.
If you want to stand out, don’t simply be different, be outstanding.
Meredith West
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
George Bernard Shaw
The young man knows the rules but the old man knows the exceptions.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
What you hear, you forget; what you see, you remember; what you do, you understand.
T. Harv Eke