In the same way, the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we should. But the Spirit himself intercedes with groans too deep for words, and the one who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, for the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to God’s will. (Rom 8:26-27)
Remember yesterday I told you I would share the second part of the story today. But before I do, remember Paul told us in Romans 8 that it is those who are led by the Spirit who are the children of God. Those who are led by the Spirit learn to discern His voice. Jesus said in John 10 that His sheep know His voice. That is what it is all about. Learning by practical steps when God is speaking to us and when it is from another source. The Spirit helps us in our weakness . . . the Spirit knows our hearts and know the mind of Spirit (inference He matches the two) . . . the Spirit intercedes for us according to God’s will.” This is all very reassuring and mind blowing isn’t it?
Well, let me tell you Yvonne’s story, which is really the story of us all.
Wednesday June 10th Yvonne was praying in her Quiet Time as per usual. She was going through the church directory and praying for people in order. She came to Ian and Tania Vail on the list and started praying for us. As she prayed the usual kind of things Yvonne looked at the magazine on the side table beside the bed which was advertising a book called “Bruchko”. She thought nothing about it until the thoughts came into her mind “show that page to Ian Vail”. The people she was just praying for. She thought, “That’s silly, what would I want to do that for? What’s the point?” But the thought came again and again. It was like she couldn’t shake it off or get rid of it. So at the end of the day when cell group was finished she summoned up the courage and risked being thought a fool to tell me that God said to give this to Ian Vail. And of course you already know what significance it had.
I think many of us hear God’s voice many times a day. But it is also true to say that many of us shrug the thoughts off because they are “silly”. Be bold and step out in what you feel God has told you. Take a faith risk.
Now permit me to tell you some more of the story.
There is another woman called Sherry who lives in Texas USA. She is an intercessor and regularly sat on her lounge floor with a map of world at her feet and laid her hands on the nations of the world and prayed for them. She told the Lord one day that it was too hard praying for the world, she knew too much about it and there was too much to pray for. She asked the Lord to give her one nation. “Indonesia” came at her from every quarter over a two week period. She said “OK Lord, I will pray for Indonesia.” She prayed for Indonesia for three and half years and then said the same thing. Lord I know too much about Indonesia now. There’s too much to pray. Give me one island.” She looked at her wallmap of the nation of Indonesia at her feet and she thought Sulawesi looks a strange island right in the middle of the archipelago. I will pray for that island.”
A number of years later she joined Wycliffe’s Bibleless People Prayer Project and asked them for a people group. She received the Rongkong of Sulawesi. She was over the moon because that was the island she was praying for. She poured her heart into praying for the Rongkong and the translators who would go to the Rongkong. One thing among many others that she prayed was the following: Lord you have given me a such vision for the mission field through the book Bruchko. Father I want to ask that you will use the book Bruchko in the lives of the translators you will send to the Rongkong of Sulawesi as a part of their call. Will you do that Lord? Use that book so they may know that they know they are called to the Rongkong.
Now you know all sides of story. That is the degree to which the Lord wants to be a part of your praying. He will intercede by His Spirit to bring it about. He will take your groanings and unintelligible moanings in prayer and turn them into reality. That is the degree to which He wants to come alongside of you and lift your burden and give you His insight and direction. Allow it to happen and it will thrill your heart.
For those of you who feel a little uncomfortable with the supernatural nature of God’s leading, don’t worry. Bible Gems will resume normal transmission in the next Gem.
Allow Him to move you out of your comfort zone.
Ian Vail
You regularly trust power you cannot see to do work you cannot accomplish. Jesus invites you to do the same with Him.
Max Lucado
Which zone do you live in?
The challenge zone: ‘I attempt to do what I haven’t done before.’
The comfort zone: ‘I only do what I already know I can do.’
The coasting zone: ‘I don’t even do what I’ve done before.’
Bob Gass