and so does our brother Quartus.
Romans 16:23
Quartus a brother; There is debate as to whether he is the brother of Erastus or “of Tertius” really meant here that he was a Christian. “Brother not of Tertius, nor of Erastus, nor of the apostle according to the flesh, as some have thought, but a brother in Christ.”
There is also debate as to whether he was high born or low born. This man was a Roman; probably had before lived at Rome, and therefore sends his salutations to the Christians there. There are two possiblities:
- he is mentioned among the seventy disciples, and said to be bishop of Berytus.
- he is a fourth slave in a Roman household. Remember the notes about Tertius. (Bible Gem 296) Quartus is either “4th born son” or “slave number 4”.
If he is the latter, a fourth slave in a Roman household this has huge implications. And furthermore even if he be the Bishop of Berytus these following comments still apply. Think for a moment of what it is that binds masters and slaves, freedmen and bound, Jew and Gentile, rich and poor together as one. Christian brotherhood crosses all boundaries – racial, economic, social class and anything else you can think of. What would cause a master to sit with a slave in a home church meeting in Rome in the 1st century and regard one another as brothers? Think of it from the masters point of view; relating to one of the lowest people in his household (# 4 slave) as a brother in Christ. That is huge. Think of it from the slaves point of view – considering the master as more than his master. How do these two get on together and maintain the different status they have socio-economically yet still regard each other as brothers? This says a lot about the unity and bonds of brotherhood in the early church.
And what would spark Quartus off to the side to comment “ya send my greetings too”? Just a slave yet motivated to pass on his love to the brothers and sisters in Rome. Not likely to have ever been there, slaves were not upwardly mobile! Then again maybe he had been a slave in Rome and had been moved to Rome. That kind of thing happened too. Ask him when you see in heaven. When you stop and think about this stuff it is all rather inspiring really. How are we doing in the 21st century with considering each other with such love; not thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think and able to encompass the servants in the household with the same love and esteem we hold for high born people. It is all rather amazing. That is the kind of thing that the Spirit of Christ does within us, or at least has the potential to do. Each person of whatever social standing is able to be heard and recognised for their intrinsic value. Astounding!
Happiness is when what you think, what you do and what you say are in perfect harmony.
Mahatma Gandhi
We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart and to bring home those who’ve lost their way.
St. Francis of Assissi
The God-life is a great life. He turns an ordinary story into an amazing adventure!
Brian Houston