. . . Give in proportion to what you have.
Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have. Of course, I don’t mean your giving should make life easy for others and hard for yourselves. I only mean that there should be some equality. Right now you have plenty and can help those who are in need. Later, they will have plenty and can share with you when you need it. In this way, things will be equal. As the Scriptures say, “Those who gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those who gathered only a little had enough.
2 Cor 8:11-15
Now you have plenty and can help those in need. Later they will have plenty and can share with you. It is all a matter of equality. You were blessed to be a blessing. God just wants you to be a channel of blessing to others. If you keep your end open He will keep pouring it in. But note what Paul says, “I don’t mean your giving should make life easy for others and hard for yourselves”. God doesn’t intend that we should get into debt in order to give or to forsake our responsibilities to those to whom we have responsibilities. Notice when you have surplus He will redirect your surplus to where you can affect the greatest good. If we extend this principle to the nth degree there would be no world poverty. The cause of world poverty is human greed and the fact that many with the surplus don’t want to share.
The Lord has taught us many times that we have to be open handed with what he gives us. It is not our money. It is His, we are only stewards. He has done that by giving us sums of money and then asking if we would give it back to Him. “You mean all of it Lord.”
“Yes all of it Ian.”
“But we have been praying for $500.00, we should at least keep that much for what we need.”
“Do you trust Me for what you need or not?”
“Yes, Lord you can have it all. We trust You.”
The next day He pours out twice as much a yesterday. You can trust Him implicitly. Respond when He tells you or whispers to your heart.
On the other hand be careful of the contrivance and manipulation of man when it comes to money. Yes there is a degree of manipulation in what Paul said, but we are assured that Paul said it for the right reasons. You won’t always feel comfortable with money matters in the church. There are times when it seems that manipulation is on the agenda. There are times also when we have to trust the heart of our leaders, pastors and those who are talking about money. Trust their heart enough to overlook some unwise use of words at times. I don’t think Paul was deliberately trying to manipulate although it seems to come across like that. He was simply using words to convey his thoughts regarding the Corinthians and their gift. You purposed to give it so give it. Look at the Macedonians who although they are poor have given over above. So don’t embarrass yourselves and give what you promised. But don’t go overboard on all this and make it so you end losing everything in order to give big. Why? To impress others? To get more for yourself when God pays you back? Wrong motive and it won’t succeed.
Interesting isn’t it. It’s just like some churches, always talking about money. Paul appears to be talking about money lots in this section. We still have another four Gems after this one to do with money. Paul is not tightening the screws so people will give. He is explaining the true perspective of money and giving. Time we paid attention.
When your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall.
Rick Warren
You simply can’t spend more than you make. Irresponsibility catches up with you – even if you are the government and print the money.
Rick Warren
God Must Get Finances THROUGH You Before He Can Ever Get Finances To You.
Robb Thompson
What you think you OWN is really on LOAN. It all belongs to God. You’re just a steward and God is testing you.
Rick Warren