We are entering a new section (John 10) that requires some thought. So take some time to think about it. Like sheep without a shepherd, I will leave you on your own for the moment to give you time to read the entire chapter and think about it.
Some questions to help you:
- How does this fit with John’s themes?
- How does it connect to what has gone before or is it a true break and starts something new?
- Do you see “normal” John elements that are repeated?
- Vs 24 – “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” Why did they say this? He didn’t say He was the Christ, did He?
- Why did they pick up stones to kill Him? What did he do worthy of stoning? (10:31)
- Why did they say, “You, a mere man, claim to be God.” Where did He say anything like that? (10:33)
And don’t forget to study the cultural elements.
Ok that’s enough for the moment. The rest is yours to do.
A lot of people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.
Ian Vail