May your Kingdom come, or in other words, be established on this earth. Does this connect back to Jesus words about the Kingdom of God being “near” and “now”? Disciples, pray in the coming of the Kingdom of God. Yes, in Jesus First Coming, there is truth in the comment that the Kingdom of God was present on earth with the coming of Jesus. The Kingdom of God had arrived. Whenever Jesus is present, the Kingdom of God is present. Hence, Jesus could say the Kingdom had come. Yet while Jesus was doing miracles and countering the work of the Devil wherever He went, there is a sense of truth in the words that the Kingdom of God had come, that it was here already. But if we look at Matthew’s fuller version of the Lord’s Prayer, we see the added words, “May Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven”. There is a fullness to it which was not realized at the time of the first coming of Christ. Yes, Jesus’ miracles were evidence of His power over the power of satan. Yes, the healings He performed evidenced the coming of the Kingdom. But this was not the coming of the Kingdom that all Israelites were expecting.
The Jews were looking for the beginning of the Life of the Age to Come. Life on earth as God intended it. That was still to come. While it is fair to say that with each new birth in Christ (2 Cor 5:17), it is like the new has come. For that one person, it is like Life is so much better, as God meant it to be. Life with a capital L. But that is a change for the recipient, not for the Kingdom of God in its entirety. It is not a total RENEWING for the whole earth. That will come when Christ comes again and the consummation of the Life of the Age to Come is upon us. The fullness will come when the degree of doing God’s will, here on earth, is the same as it is done in heaven, for every person. The degree to which an individual can live according to the will of God, is the degree to which the Life of the Age to Come is upon them. Matthew’s version of the Lord’s Prayer adds an important feature or level. God’s will being done on earth just like it is being done in heaven. Just stop and think for a moment. That is what makes “heaven” heaven. When the will of God is done in totality by everyone. May that moment come Lord. When every one practices the will of God from their heart? Oh, that moment will come when the Millennium is ushered in. When everyone on earth has bowed to the will of God. Now, it is partial; then, it will be total. Heaven on earth by definition.
It is we, who are disciples, who enable that to happen. We must be the prime instigators. Those who willingly submit to the will of God in the first place; the early adopters of the NEW WAY. This element of the Lord’s Prayer is linked to the element before it, “Hallowed be your name”. These two lines or concepts are in parallel. To live in a way that makes His name Holy, is the same action that is needed to ensure the Kingdom will come soon. God’s will is realized in the hearts and minds of people who will willingly subject themselves to the reign of God and accept His authority in their lives. When we do that, God’s will is done on earth just like it is done in heaven.That is always the perspective, as in heaven, then so too on earth. Never the other way around. The archetype is in heaven. When God’s will is practiced on the earth in the same way that it is in heaven, then the Kingdom will come in all of its fullness. We know that is not going to happen before Jesus comes back for those who are His, and then initiates His Millennium Reign on the earth. Oh, may that Day come soon Lord.
This principle as in heaven so on earth reminds me of the concept found in Matthew 18. In Matthew 18:8 we read: “Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth will have been loosed in heaven.” [ISV] Notice the way in which this verse is put. That which is bound or loosed on the earth is in accordance with the pattern or principle or practice of heaven. As in heaven so on earth.You can’t decide something on earth and cause the patterns, principles or practice of heaven to change. The flow is from heaven to earth as in this case in Matthew 9:10. But this won’t be affected by man’s efforts of being good. It will be as a result of God’s restoration of His rule, when the Kingdom of God will come in all of its fullness.
What a moment that will be! The New Year’s Eve of the Millennium (December 31st 1999 / January 1st 2000) won’t be a patch on what is to come with the coming of the Age to Come. Now that will be a moment to celebrate. Oh yes! Pray for that moment – Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is heaven. Now that is a BIG prayer.
Life as God intended it enables us to live above . . . all the negativity that keeps people from seizing each day as a gift from Him.
Charles Swindoll
There is no surprise more magical than stepping into life as God intended it to be lived, with God’s hand on your shoulder.
Ian Vail
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him. Paul of Tarsus
1 Corinthians 2:9
You are heir to the entire universe, what a difference that should make!! Let it sink in.