Allow me to give you one further example from my own family. My mother was a good living woman and had many life values that in fact were very biblical. My father eventually became a Christian and dramatically changed following my acceptance of God’s Truth. One day while talking to mother about her need for Christ to save her, I told her she too had sinned and needed God’s forgiveness. Her reaction was dramatic. In her mind she was not at all like my father – oh that was for sure. But to tell her she too was included in the biblical statement “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” (Romans 3:23) meant she couldn’t hear any more. Her stronghold of thought prevented her from hearing the truth. She said to me “Ian Warren Vail, are you telling me I am a sinner just like your father.” How do you answer a question like that? Whenever I was in serious trouble my mother used my full name. I knew to tread carefully on that one. I had encountered one of my mother’s strongholds and knew it. It took months of unpacking that thought process before she too could accept the truth of God’s Truth about her.