Before Tania and I first met Tania used to pray that God would show her that He was real and that He would show her who to marry. For some reason she always put those two prayers together and prayed them for a number of years. After our first date she told her sister when she got home that “he is the guy I am going to marry”. And she also had the sense that God was real. The uncanny thing about all that was that I was an atheist. There had been no talk that night of spiritual things or God. In fact if there had been I would have run a mile. But still Tania had a conviction on both of the things she had been praying about. Amazing. We went out for two and half years before getting engaged. Soon after buying the ring I noticed that Tania was not wearing it. When I asked her about it she told me “I read a Bible verse the other night that tells me I can’t marry you unless you are a Christian.” The verse of course was 2 Cor 6:14. I know it well. It messed up my life. Well in truth it turned my life the right way up. My response to Tania’s ultimatum? “Ok, then give me the ring. I am leaving. There is no way I am becoming a Christian.” I won’t share our full story on this until we get to the Gem for 2 Cor 6:14. Sorry continuing story in a number of weeks.