Besides which let me share with you something that a police detective told me after a God’s Awesome Book seminar I conducted in New Zealand some years ago in Masterton. I had been talking about the differences in testimony recorded in Bible. I made the comment that where human eye-witness testimony is concerned no two people will see things alike. There will always be little differences of perspective. Ask any husband and wife. It is just how it is. After the seminar had finished a police detective came up to talk to me. He told me that detectives working on a crime scene and interviewing witnesses look for the differences to substantiate the factuality. If two or more people’s testimony agrees on every point and word for word the same they suspect collusion. It is more likely that the people have concocted their testimony in order to make sure their stories match than if it were true. True eye-witness testimony contains little differences which prove to us it’s true. This testimony of what happened at Peter’s denial fits right in with that.