Any man who has to keep his wife submitted to him by violence of any sort, be it physical, verbal, intimidation, threats, belittling or any other means in order for him to make him feel like a man is really no man at all. I grew up with an alcoholic father who used physical force, threats, intimidation and anger to keep his wife, my mother, and me, his son cowering in fear. I remember clearly to this day the fear that would come upon me when we came close to 6.00 pm and my father’s home-coming was imminent. The six o’clock swill meant he would try to down as many beers as possible before they called time. It didn’t get any better with 10.00 o’clock closing. He had more time to drink steadily and bring more home with him. We never knew the mood he would arrive home in, but even what you could call good moods were wretched. It was a fact of life.
It Takes God To Be A Man
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