Likewise each succeeding generation has one person or many who have worked out all the details and are bold enough to tell us it will happen on the 19th of August 2023. [I chose that date because it is my spiritual birthday.] I was born again on that date in 1973. So this year I will be 47 years old as a Christian – surely He will return on my 50th spiritual birthday! 50 years and the Jubilee Year and the revelation of Christ splitting the skies and returning to the world He came to redeem. And furthermore I have it all worked out. He will return on the dot of 19.73 – in other words 20.13 pm. Well, it’s as good as any other theory. But don’t go out to the mountain or hilltop on August 19th 2023 at 13 minutes past 8 in the evening expecting Him to appear. I am just making it all up to prove a point.