We need to see people and evaluate people from God’s point of view and not from our human point of view. We did indeed at one time view Christ from a human point of view. I certainly did and how wrong my evaluation was. I have told you already (Bible Gem 323) about the day I saw the car next to me backing out without a driver. I have told you how God used that experience and that moment to download gigabytes of thought into my spirit in a nanosecond. “He seemed to say to me just like with the car, you have see from a new perspective. My perspective! I was instantly aware of God’s perspective on the souls of people and what God wants of us. We see people as flesh and blood. But we now know from this larger part of 2nd Corinthians it is the inner man, the spirit part which will last forever. That is the part that is being renewing. How much time do we spend looking, admiring and taking care of the outer shell. But the outer shell is wasting away. The outer shell is fading fast. It is not going to last. Instead of spending so much time looking after the appearance of the body, start taking more care over the part that is eternal. That’s where the treasure is.
That day sitting in the car outside the salon waiting for Tania I “saw” spirit beings walking around. They looked very different from the outer shell. Some small shrivelled little spirit beings came from outer shells that were huge, immense. But the size of the spirit within was miniscule. Indeed the Word of God tells us that man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart, the inner core. How’s your inner man doing? Is he being fed? Are you nurturing the inner man or are you carelessly allowing the inner man, that spiritual, eternal part of you to shrink day by day while paying more attention to beautifying the outer shell? Are you grieved when you see that man or that woman is heading for a Christless eternity? That is how God feels about it. All day long His hands of love are held out to a stubborn and obstinate people. Does that trouble you? Do you think twice about it?