I was asked a question at a God’s Awesome Book seminar in Jakarta that I did not know the answer to. Pak Suryadi stood in a GAB seminar (Buku Ajaib Tuhan in Indonesian) and asked, “Why does the list of tribes in Revelation 7 miss out Dan but add Manasseh in Revelation 7:5-8? And why is it in a different order?” I gave a him a straight answer at the time. “Does it? I have never noticed. I don’t know the answer specifically but I assume I know what is going on. He said, “Pak Ian, I have been looking for an answer to that question which satisfies me for 20 years.”
“I said, “I will tell you the answer when we come back to this church for the Digging for Hidden Treasure Workshop.” I thought, “It’s that which will be the answer, or if not that, then this.” It has to be one of those factors. It wasn’t at all. It proved to be a little problematic. Everything I tried didn’t work. I asked God for insight and then an idea came to me which blew my mind. From that point on I included that example in the Digging for Hidden Treasure package.