When I became a Christian and later on starting work with Wycliffe Bible Translators I began to understand that being a witness is what life is all about. We took seriously the Biblical injunction in Deut 6:6-9 to teach our children to recognise the footprints of God and help them to see God moving in our lives. As our testimony has developed throughout our lives, we taught our children to see God’s hand in our lives when we walked in the way, when we were on the road, we sat down at home, when we were going to bed, when we were getting up. Reminding ourselves and them of our glimpses of God. Do you realise every time you tell a portion of your testimony to God’s hand in your life you encourage another to see God in life and you encourage yourself by reminding yourself of what God has done? The more you do it the more you are built up and the more you build others.
I have found it easy to pick up hitch hikers and introduce them to God. Travel with seat companions on a plane journey flying around the world and share God moments with them. Oh not all responded favourably but I spread the good news anyway. Some wanted out of the car – like the two I picked up to take to Auckland city and when the guy in the front saw my sticker (Warning: you ride in this car at your own risk, the driver could vanish at any instant). He asked to be let out on the next corner after I had only just picked them up. Or the woman who travelled beside me on a plane from Auckland to LA and if she could she would have wanted to get off right then. She kept her back to me all through the journey. But for every negative moment there have been hundreds of positive ones when God came into human lives and changed them. Much like He has changed me. Simply tell others of your encounters with God. But before you can do that you have to learn to recognise that you have moments when God steps into your life. The more you see them the more tuned to seeing them you become.