Back in the 1970s, (ya I know that was before the hills got dusty) Hugh Heffner was being interviewed about his Playboy empire. During the interview as Heffner was explaining his philosophy the interviewer adopted a new angle based on what Heffner had been saying. The interviewer asked the question “when is your daughter going to become a bunny Hugh?” Heffner had been talking about the freedom of the sexual revolution etc. Hugh Heffner went through a number of adjustments and didn’t answer for a long time. Finally he confessed “That is the one area of my philosophy I haven’t been able to work out. I don’t want my daughter to be a bunny.” Written on the tablet of Hugh Heffner’s heart is the law of God. He is without excuse just like everyone else on earth. Hugh Hefner who allows and encourages men to do to other men’s daughters what he is not willing to be done to his own.