Fifteen days after accepting the Lord Jesus as my Saviour I was back in the guerrilla camp. We went out on an ambush to kill some military soldiers. At the planned place we set up the ambush. When all was ready we relaxed to wait for the soldiers arrival to attack them. I stood to my feet, laid my machine gun on the ground, took out my Bible League Bible from inside of my jacket and before fifteen guerrillas armed and ready to kill I told them I had become a Christian. I testified briefly how I had become a believer in Jesus Christ, I now believed in the Bible, God had changed me, and I had no more desire to kill. Then I cried. Never had I cried before guerrillas in twenty years. Never, until that moment. Then I picked up my machine gun and handed it to one of the man. What I had done could have meant instant death, surrendering my machine gun in order not to fight in a pending attack could be called a treasonable act. But God was with me. A guerrilla friend stepped forward and told me as I was upset about something – because I was crying – I should go back to my home immediately.
The next day I was ordered to appear before the guerrilla leaders to explain my behaviour. Before them I testified of my faith in Christ. For twenty years, I said to them, I was a soldier for the FARC guerrillas, then a few weeks ago, I became a soldier for Jesus Christ. I reminded them I was a commander who had served the guerrilla cause well. In all of the twenty years I had never let them down, not once. To this they agreed. I asked for their permission to allow me to resign from their army. They made the decision to accept my request to resign with binding conditions on the pain of death. I had to swear to them that I would keep secret any information about them, never to inform government authorities about them and to never helping the military to finding them.
Eight months ago, God gave to me a Christian man from my home town to be my husband. God has restored my life. Now I belong to the family of God. I know love, acceptance, forgiveness, peace and joy. Every day I read my Bible League Devotional Bible. So that is my story of my journey to God. Twenty years ago, I wanted to die. Life was empty. I was full of hate. I looked for a cause to give me a purpose to live and I thought I had found it among the guerrillas. Twenty years later God in His love reached out to me and I found the real reason to live. Now my life is full. God has given to me a new cause, missionary work, and a new purpose, preach His Word so that others may know His great love and new life through the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Source: Bible League – Graeme Johnstone
[Killer, Guerilla, now has a reason to live, Bible League, FARC, Columbia, Linked to 59]