Charan Dass was the chairman of a local political party in Northern India, and chief of a ‘Gunda Gang’ (‘Gunda’ means ‘antisocial element’). He was an enemy of the Gospel,” reports the mission agency Operation Agape. “Charan Dass was ill, and had been suffering for three years. He had already spent a large sum of money for treatment, and even sacrificed 25 sheep to various idols, but his condition worsened until he was finally near death. His sister Geeta had been healed of tuberculosis by prayer to Jesus some time previously. When she visited him and prayed for him, he was completely healed, to the astonishment of everyone involved.
There have been three meetings in his house in the last two months, at which over fifty people have heard the gospel. Many have entrusted their lives to Jesus, and most have removed all the magic artifacts from their houses. Twelve of Charan Dass’s relations have decided to become Christians.”
Charan Dass has now dedicated his life for full time ministry. He is from an interior village in Udampur District in Jammu Kashmir and he is actively sharing the gospel among all the people who will listen. Dass is also learning the Bible through the Saturday Video Bible School being held at Ramnagar.
Two weeks ago 14 people were baptized in Jammu Kashmir. People were able to hear the testimony of several other people in Ramnagar Church last weekend who have been gloriously touched by the Holy Spirit over the last few weeks. Every day signs and wonders are happening and people are being added to the Kingdom of God.
Source: Operation Agape, Ludhiana, Northern Indiads
[Opposed Gospel, Sister healed of TB, prayed Charan, healed, Gospel shared, saved, preaching, India]