This past week in Switzerland I heard encouraging reports about surprising experiences among ‘god-seekers’, and New Age followers. There is phenomenal interest among adults in the children’s books about an English pre-adolescent who attends a school of witchcraft and wizardry. What is behind the staggering sales of nearly 50 million Harry Potter books worldwide? In addition to indicating a major shift in belief patterns and openness to the spirit world, following the rejection of rationalism and modernity, could it warn of a future Western world influenced by pagan spirituality?
Reports are coming in of Swiss New Agers flocking to events arranged by Christians, and experiencing the healing power of Jesus! Special meetings are being held in Lucerne for neo-pagans. Late last year the pastor of one church was praying about how to reach such folk. He and others were led to pray in various specific locations around Lucerne. He then searched the neo-pagan websites in Switzerland to find out what they were promoting and how, and to find key addresses of those he could invite to future meetings. His team then planned a series of meetings in hotel conference rooms, with titles reflecting neo-pagan language, sent out invitations via the Internet and by post, and prayed for God to bring the right people.
About 80 attended the first night, the next night 120 turned up, and on the third night they had to send the attendees home at midnight. The evenings would typically begin with demonstrations of God’s power, prayer for healing and words of knowledge. As healings were experienced, the pastor would explain the source of the healing was Jesus of Nazareth. He has since involved an African evangelist in events announced as “African Power Evenings”. Dressed in his traditional robes, the evangelist would make a colourful entrance, with his audience hanging on his every word, and responding in large numbers to his invitation to receive Jesus. As a result, literally hundreds of New Agers have become believers in Jesus in recent months in this Catholic region of Switzerland.
This was not the only creative initiative by evangelicals and charismatics in Switzerland. Brochures have been produced announcing upcoming meetings and weekend seminars in New Age type language, offering ‘surprising experiences in higher consciousness’, and themes such as. ‘What did Jesus teach about being born again?’ asks the brochure, and promises answers in meetings to be held in several Swiss towns and cities over the following weeks.
Praise God for these bold experiments and new openings. Who knows? Maybe Harry Potter will yet meet Jesus in some future best seller! Why not pray for Harry’s creator, J.K. Rowling, right now, that she will come to know her Creator?
Source: An article sent to me and confirmed at the time.
[Materials developed, evangelism, engaging New Agers, African Power Evenings, higher consciousness, creative approach, Switzerland]