James Mukisa lives in a suburb of Kampala, Uganda. In the recently-published video (Uganda – The Story of a National Transformation), he tells of his dramatic healing. In 1990, his girlfriend died of AIDS, and he was also infected. The symptoms soon showed: changes in his skin, weight loss and fever. The diagnosis: HIV positive, a death sentence. James remembers: “A friend called me when I was feeling really bad. He told me about Jesus Christ, and said that Christians believe in life after death. Death was not the end, and I could rise again because Jesus died for me on the cross. But I was suffering a lot of pain and was disfigured, and could not imagine it. I could not believe that this Jesus would want anything to do with me.
Then my friend invited me to go to church with him on Sunday. I agreed, on the condition that I was strong enough to go. He was very nice – he collected me early in the morning. When I arrived at church, I was very surprised – a man was there who claimed to have been infected with AIDS, having suffered all the symptoms, but that he had experienced a miracle when people prayed for him. That was a shock for me. How could it be that God cared for someone condemned to death?
I listened very attentively, because I found it all very encouraging. It was as though someone was giving me medicine! This man was telling of exactly that which I was experiencing. At the end of the service, I went directly to the pastor and told him that I wanted to become a Christian. He led me to Christ. He accepted me, and loved me – he was the first person to hug me. That was unbelievable – really! I had never seen anyone hug someone with all the symptoms of AIDS, and welcome him. He knew how I felt. I said ‘Wow – that was God'”.
James Mukisa is convinced that he experienced a miracle then, in 1995. He prayed for weeks for healing. Suddenly, he had the impression that something had changed. He went to the doctor for another check. The doctor just laughed, but was surprised by the results of the test: James was no longer HIV positive. He was totally clear of AIDS and has been ever since.
Source: Ugandan video The Story of a National Transformation, and written transcript
[Invited to church, saved, healed, now AIDS free, Uganda]