An itinerant Jesus film team carried heavy gasoline cans, a generator and other equipment to the site of famous Buddhist pagoda built on an impregnable rock centuries ago. They were not going to let huge rocks and centuries of Buddhist thinking stop them from reaching this unreached people group with this eternal message. At first the monks showed little interest. They have their own tradition about Jesus. He came to one of the nearby Buddhist nations at the age of 12 and studied with the monks until he was 30! As the film proceeded, one by one their attention became riveted on the story as they heard the Gospel in their own language. The story was different from the one they knew. Yet they were so captivated by what they had seen and heard that they asked to see the film again. Regretfully the Jesus film team said that they did not have enough gas for the generator. Undaunted the monks went out and bought the fuel themselves. After the second showing 37 monks prayed to receive Christ at this sacred Buddhist site built on a solid rock. Now the lives of the thirty-seven who responded are built on the rock of Christ.
Yet another instance of the power of this film: God’s word set to movies.
Source: Jesus Film Project
[Jesus fIlm, Luke’s Gospel, mother tongue, Bible translation, conversions, 37 monks, Asia]