Yousef, a 16-year-old who recently accepted Jesus as his Lord, accompanied his brother-in-law one evening, reports Jack Sara, Pastor of an Arabic-speaking Christian church in Jerusalem. They parked their car in a completely dark spot, and his brother-in-law told him to wait in the car until he returned a few minutes later. While waiting in the car, Yousef saw a man clothed in white about 20 yards away who called, asking for help. At first, Yousef was unsure whether he should leave the car, but as the man continued calling urgently for help, he decided to investigate.
When he arrived where the man in white had been standing, there was nobody to be seen. Suddenly, he heard a terrible noise behind him. He turned around to see to his horror that a large cement truck had tipped over exactly on the car where he had been sitting only moments before, crushing it. Had Yousef remained sitting in the car, he would have certainly been killed.
As a very young Christian, he did not dare to speak of the event for over a week, but when he told what had happened, the entire church agreed that the man in white was an angel who helped Yousef.
Source: Yousef, via Jack Sara, with permission.
[Jerusalem, protection, beckoning Angel, God’s time, safety]