A Khmu pastor in Laos has been complaining recently that he hasn’t been able to get a good night’s sleep for months. The pastor is the only person in his area who owns a VCR. The Khmu people’s hunger for spiritual truth is so great that many have been watching the “Jesus Film” practically around the clock. No one in the audience knows how to rewind the video when it gets to the end. So every few hours throughout the night they go to the pastor’s room and say “Pastor, wake up” We want to watch it again!”
In Togo, a group of Ife’ people headed home from their day’s work in the field. Attracted by the sound of music nearby, they left the path to see what was happening. Someone was playing a cassette of Ife’ songs with biblical lyrics, so they all sat down to listen. They also listened to a tape of Christian testimonies in their language.
When the tape player’s batteries ran out, the people still wanted to hear more. They sent someone to town to buy new batteries. As a result of these tapes on this occasion, about a dozen Ife’ people became Christians! The owner of the cassettes was not even a Christian himself at that time. He purchased these tapes because they were the only ones recorded in his own language and using Ife’ music.
Having the right media sparks a thirst for the Word of life.
Source: Jesus Film Project, Asia
[Laos, Jesus Film, Desperate to hear and watch, wake up Pastor to rewind, MT impact, audience paid for batteries.]