Chang’s wife was crippled in both legs and her husband was a very poor man. After the floods in China in 1998, they became homeless and had nothing to wear, other than that which was on their backs. Chang carried his wife and lay her in the entrance of a train station. He drank a lot of wine and decided to commit suicide. However, during this moment, a little brother called Chan, from a nearby house church, approached him and asked him why he looked so sad. He immediately shared the Gospel with him. Brother Chan’s house was also damaged and he’d lost everything too.
Chang rejected what Brother Chan had to say and told him he had decided to die. Brother Chan then invited him to have a meal at his home before he died. So Chang thought for a while and felt that it is better to eat something before going to die. He then informed Chan that the woman lying on the train station entrance was his wife. Brother Chan immediately went to the woman and carried her on his back to his home. Actually because the husband was so desperate he had not taken care of his wife for days and his wife’s pants were full of excrement and urine. His wife’s body smelled extremely badly and nobody wanted to get close to her not even touch her. Nevertheless, brother Chan was willing to carry her on his back and even wash all her dirty clothes. and then asked his own wife to clean this woman up. Even though Brother Chan did not have much food at home, he and his wife prepared all they had for this couple.
Chang was amazed and asked this little brother why he was so good to him and loved him so much. This little brother just said, “Jesus loves you more than I do.” Chang said “I saw the glory of your Lord and HE is a true God, I have to repent and believe in him today.” This couple repented and became Christian and have served at the house church since that day. When the church leaders knew about what had happened they prayed before the Lord and made a decision to rebuild a house for this couple to live in and for it to become a meeting place for Sunday services and other meetings. Because the wife was crippled, it was better for her to stay at the meeting place so there is no need for her to travel to attend a meeting. The church has been praying for the wife’s leg for sometime and now she can stand though still cannot walk.
What a wonderful testimony and may all glory go to our dear Father God. The church leaders describe the brother Chan as “little brother” for he is neither an important person nor a key co-worker in the church but just a normal brother attending meetings constantly. It reminds me of Matthew 25:40 “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Source: Open Doors
[Care, healing, servanthood, china, humility, Matt 2 5:40, China]