And as the stars of the sky cannot be counted and the sand on the seashore cannot be measured, so I will multiply the descendants of my servant David and the Levites who minister before me.” Jeremiah 33:22 This verse and others like it encapture …
Creation Nuggets
God named the stars and set them in their appointed place

Last Nugget I think I opened up a can of worms with the responses to last week’s Nugget – Uncountable Stars. The immensity of the universe is astounding. Below is another photo of the three million billion suns. Some of you doubted that there were …
If You Won’t Praise God; Creation Will

There is abundant evidence in the Bible that if you won’t Praise the Lord, then creation will. I told you in the last Nugget that we would look at the detail of what God put in place when he created and scattered the stars, set …
The Message of the Mazzaroth

I told you a couple of Nuggets ago that from all the uncountable zillions of stars, twelve constellations were chosen each with their three decans or associated constellations making up 48 constellations in all. This is not a modern selection process. These chosen groups of …
The Message in the Stars – Virgo

The logical place to break into the circle of the Zodiac is with Virgo. Of course, it is natural to begin with Virgo (the Virgin). In the Mazzaroth the word for Virgin is Bethulah. Interestingly in Arabic the same word means “branch”. Branch is also …
The Message In the Stars – Libra

The name of this constellation in various languages is: Mozanaim (Hebrew) = scales, weighed Libra (Latin) – the weighing, scales Al Zubena (Arabic) – purchase or redemption Mazatho (Syriac) – scales For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty …
The Message in the Stars: Scorpio

Akrab (Heb) = scorpion, conflict, war Isidis (Coptic) = attack of the enemy, oppression Al Akrab (Arabic/Syriac) = wounding him that cometh Latin Scorpio / Greek Scorpios – cleaving in conflict The brightest star in the constellation of Scorpio is Antares (Arabic) = “the wounding” …
The Message in the Stars – Sagittarius

Kesith (Hebrew) = the archer, the bow Al Kaus (Arabic) = the bow Kesith (Syriac) = the bow Toxotes (Greek) = the archer Pi-maere (Coptic) = the going forth Sagittarius (Latin) = who sends forth the arrow (the archer) “But God himself will shoot them …
The Message in the Stars – Capricornus

Hu-Penius (Egyptian) – “the place of sacrifice” Gedi (Hebrew) – “the kid”, “cut off” Al Gedi (Arabic) – “the kid”, “cut off” Gedi (Syriac) – “the kid”, “cut off” Aigokereus (Greek) – “the goat” Capricornus (Latin) – “the goat”, “the atonement”, “bowed down” The other …
The Message in the Stars – Aquarius

Deli (Hebrew) – the water urn, bucket Delu (Arabic) – the water urn, bucket Hupei Tirion (Coptic) – the station of pouring out Hydrokoeus (Greek) – the pourer forth of water Aquarius (Latin) = the pouring forth of water Aquarius: The Water Bearer Stars in …