I have written before about the scepticism that surrounded the idea of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt in the Exodus. The claim critics made that there was no evidence for the Exodus, that it was a Jewish myth. I debunked that with the help of …
Evidence For The Patriarchs Nuggets
A series of Nuggets looking at the evidence substantiating the biblical account of the Patriarchs and the Kings.
Nugget: No Evidence for King David? Oh How Right Fredrick Kenyon Was!
Sir Fredrick Kenyon is a very famous Christian archaeologist and he said “Archaeology has not yet said its last word; but the results already achieved confirm what faith would suggest, that the Bible can do nothing but gain from an increase of knowledge.” All the …
Nugget: Has David’s Palace Been Found?
I intend to focus on the archaeological evidence which exists for David, his kingdom and other biblical references which are connected with David in subsequent Nuggets. Several of you have asked where I get my material from. I have a large range of resources gathered …
Have We Found David’s Palace?
Eilat Mazar was struck by 2 Samuel 5:11 – Then King Hiram of Tyre sent messengers to David, along with cedar timber and carpenters and stonemasons, and they built David a palace. In 1997 she proposed searching for the site of King David’s palace in …
What Eilat Mazar Found
Eilat Mazar and her team discovered there are giant walls which extend from what she calls the Large Stone Structure (Kenyon’s “massive public structure”) six to eight feet wide extending beyond the area they have excavated in every direction. The walls follow the eastern side …
Nadav Na’aman’s follow up work to Eilat Mazar’s Discoveries
I have told you that this Nugget would be delayed until I could get access to the Biblical Archaeology Review’s site. Some of you amused me with your response to my not-so-tongue-in-cheek comments on the delay. I am pleased to provide entertainment for you as …
Solving the Mystery of the Millo
I told you in the Nugget titled “No Evidence for King David?” that following the exploratory work of Kathleen Kenyon it was concluded there was no evidence for the zenith of the time of the Kings of Israel. In fact the archaeological evidence seemed to …
The Jerusalem Millo and its Implications
I have painted the background behind the complexity of archaeological digs in the centre of Jerusalem before. I have also explained the issues surrounding the dating of the conquest of the land and the fall of Jericho and subsequent issues concerning the timing of the …
Maps, Atlases and Navigation Terms
At heart I am a geographer. I take particular note of my environment. If I travel to a new place I like to get my bearings quickly. I take note of where the sun rises on the first morning I am there so I can …
The Beginning of Alphabets in the Ancient Near East
Let’s investigate the development of alphabets. I have told you before in past Nuggets that there is a remarkable correlation between the rise of the ancient civilizations around the fertile crescent, the site of the earliest civilizations known to man. The timing and succession of …