You will note that I have added Nuweiba to this 5th Exodus Route to distinguish it from the 6th one. This is quite typical of the routes of the Exodus in that it does not add any place names after the crossing apart from the …
The Six Main Theories On The Exodus Route Nuggets
The South Central Sinai Route (Potential Exodus Route 4)
This route is also recognised as the Traditional Route for which I have given you a map already in Gem 2062. But instead of just giving you the link I will add Tim Dowley’s map again so you have it before you in this Nugget. …
The Central Sinai Route (Potential Exodus Route 3)
The Central Sinai Route as proposed by Simons, Condor, Cassuto and John David appears to differ only at the point of crossing. Not only that but they were divided between themselves as to whether the crossing between Pi-Hahiroth (Pi) and Baal Zephon (Bz) took place …
The Northern Shur Route (Potential Exodus Route 2)
2. The Northern Shur Route In terms of evaluating the Northern Shur Route, I find this one of the most confusing routes of all. According to David Livingstone and the Associates of Biblical Research (ABR) this route is a northern route which theoretically follows the …
The Mediterranean Coast (Potential Exodus Route 1)
I will now begin to evaluate each of the potential Exodus routes I gave you in the last Nugget as to the possibility of each one being the route most likely to fit all the facts. I told you there are two key locations which …
Investigating The Six Main Theories For The Exodus Route
In the second year after Israel’s departure from Egypt—on the twentieth day of the second month—the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle of the Covenant. So the Israelites set out from the wilderness of Sinai and traveled on from place to place until the cloud stopped …