Don't ever steal the LORD’s glory; it’s not good for your well being or health.
The ultimate insult is to attribute the glory due to an act of God to the devil. That is why it is the unforgivable sin.
Be careful to give God the glory. I think I will let God be God and not steal HIs Glory for myself. It seems a wise move and prevents stomach pain.
If God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in him, then he is as committed to my happiness in him as he is to his glory in me.
Each of us is a mixture of dust and deity, clay and class, glory and glib.
A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
If Moses could only see the afterglow of God's glory and if that afterglow was enough to make the Israelites hide their face from the intensity, what does that say about the Glory of God?
There are 100 billion galaxies. Why so much space for so few earth dwellers? The heavens are telling the glory of God not man.
If I had a million brains I could not fully process all the ways God is working around me right now for my good and His glory.
If I had a million brains I could not fully process all the ways God is working around me right now for my good/His glory.