This is a fascinating passage. Luke handles the post resurrection appearances differently from the other gospel writers. Luke tells us some very unique elements of the stories. As I have indicated already this post resurrection series of pericopes across the four gospels is the most dissimilar of all portions of the Gospel account. Even when the writers are dealing with the same event or similar material. But now we have arrived at a segment which is uniquely Luke’s. Matthew has a short summary of the event summed up in one verse and then he tells us what happened when the two men got back to the other disciples again. But there is really nothing to compare between Matthew and Luke’s accounts because they are not in parallel although Matthew is clearly referring to the same story as found in Luke. We have to ask ourselves the question why is this unique story here? We might also ask the question: where did Luke get this story from as he was not there. Note also the nature of this story is very different from the other stories of post resurrection experiences. This story moves up close and personal whereas the other stories are more factually reporting from a distance.
This is another of those Lukan segments packed full of good stuff. As you work your way through the passage remember to ask your questions. Take particular note of the segments of the story and the direction of movement within it. Pay careful attention to the details along the way. Make sure you follow each detail because you never know where it will lead nor whether it will be important or not. Like any good detective you don’t know which clues will lead to something and which won’t. So it is prudent to follow up anything you think might be significant. It may lead to nothing but of course it may be the key that opens the door to something important. Rather than point out the places to dig, I will leave you in the first instance to check out the details and see what strikes you as being important. At least this time you will not have to get your coloured highlight pens out or use the electronic colouring code. There is nothing to colour in this case. I know that will disappoint some of you because you have told me you love colouring the Gospel Harmony segments.
You can’t fall if you don’t climb, but there’s no joy in living your whole life on the ground.
Concentrate on making the main thing the main thing and allow the trivial to pass into oblivion.
Most people will never accomplish the long term great because they settle for the short term good.
Reg Saddler
All the principles of the Bible are keys that, when acted on in faith, unlock the power of heaven.
A R Bernard