What, then, can we say about all of this? If God is for us, who can be against us? The one who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for all of us-surely he will give us all things along with him, won’t he? Who can bring an accusation against God’s chosen people? It is God who justifies them! Who can condemn them? Christ Jesus, who died-and more importantly, who has been raised and is seated at the right hand of God-is the one who is also interceding for us!
Romans 8:31-34
All this refers to all that he has said before. What has he said?
- Now no condemnation
- No longer slaves to sin
- Adopted
- Co-heirs with Christ
- Groaning waiting the redemption of our bodies
- The Spirit helps in our weakness
- All things work together for good.
- We are foreknown, predestined, called, justified and glorified
- What can be against us with all that stacked against whoever or whatever opposes us?
Of course He will give us all things along with Him – why? We are joint co-heirs with him.
Notice the structure next:
- Who can bring an accusation against God’s chosen people?
- It is God who justifies them! > Who can condemn them?
The answer to both questions is – no one! we are justified. If we are justified what is left to say. NOTHING. Who else is on our side apart from God? Well there is Christ Jesus, the Son who is at God’s right hand interceding with the judge himself. The Holy Spirit is groaning in intercession for us. Paul has such a complete mind. Notice how he has wrapped up this section. But he is not finished yet. There is more to come.
Worry is practical atheism. It is unbelief; acting like an orphan without a Heavenly Father who’s made 6000 promises to you.