Or do you think God’s word originated with you Corinthians? Are you the only ones to whom it was given?
1 Corinthians 14:36
Following on from my comments yesterday, did you look at the connectedness of this passage? What did you come up with?
There are some differences of opinion among “the experts”. Some think it relates back to the section immediately before it – the issue of woman being silent in church. There are those who feel Paul’s comment “do you think God’s word originated from you Corinthians” refers specifically to the issue of women being silent in church. That the Corinthians were giving laws to other churches, and introducing new customs and practices never known or used before concerning women’s speaking in the church. They had permitted women to speak in a manner unknown to other churches. The majority of other churches had no such custom and did not permit their women to speak in the church. Therefore why should the Corinthians be different from all others? That is nonsense in my opinion. Those people are reading way too much into the text.
Others feel this reference refers not only to what has gone before it, namely the few verses before but also what was said in the rest of the chapter and then also in the bulk of the epistle that has gone before it. Not encouraging animosities, factions, and parties; Not taking fellow believers to court before the unbelievers; not allowing one who has knowledge to frequent an idol’s temple, and not eating meat there; not allowing a man to pray with his head covered, and a woman with hers uncovered; not coming to the house of God to eat and drink unthinkingly or without reserve; not speaking in an unknown tongue in the church, without an interpreter; observing the rules prescribed for prophesying and speaking with tongues, and so all these things will be done according to the order of the Gospel; not allowing women to talk in public.
In other words these comments of Paul refer to all he has told them within the letter. All of these words from God didn’t originate with them. They are not the only ones to receive them. They are general rules for the decent and orderly management of all things relating to the worship of God, and discipline of his house; that in all things a good decorum, and strict order, that ought to be observed.
I have another view yet again which I will tell you in the next Gem. I will give you more time to think about it. Allow me to summarise for the moment in order to focus your attention. Some feel the words are in direct connection with the verse immediately before it. Namely, women in church talking in church. Most don’t see this concept as I do but feel it is all to do with women teaching and holding office etc. I don’t feel Paul is talking about that at all. He is simply giving another example of things being done in order and thinking of others. Others think it relates to EVERYTHING that has gone before in the entire letter. So it relates to all of the commands and instructions that Paul has given from the first chapter to this one. I think there is a middle ground which I will tell you about tomorrow. In the meantime ponder on it yourself.
The one saying it can’t be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
Stop Expecting Someone Else To Care For You More Than You Care For Others.
Robb Thompson
Don’t forget, the way you treat yourself sets the standard for the way others treat you.
Sidney Mohede