We have come to the end of one letter to the Corinthians but we are only half way as you well know. Look back over Paul’s first letter in retrospect and take the time to pull the pieces together. Use the time to remind yourself of the history of contact and the flow of what Paul has been telling the Corinthians in his first letter. Reading it again now will cement the things Paul has been talking about and will help your understanding of the first letter before we move on to the second of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. Then as we have done at the close of each book before, you need to spend some time to read through 2 Corinthians in its entirety. The best thing to do if you can manage it is to read the second letter to the Corinthians at one sitting.
Why read a book at one sitting?
- To maintain the continuity and connection
- To follow the thread of truth
- To get the full story
- To resolve confusing events
- To develop an awareness of the time connection
- To follow the logic
- Because it’s like reading a letter – You don’t read other letters in instalments
As we will begin Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians be sure to watch for the threads of continuing themes, take note of other links to his first letter. Refresh your memory with the history of contact between Paul and the Corinthian church to track the timing and order of events and to determine the structure of the second letter. There are some Gems of truth hidden among the pages of this next book. Make sure you read between the lines too. Pay attention to the things that are not said, that are not included. Knowing the pattern of contact between Paul and the Corinthians (see Bible Gem 306 & 307) take note of those things that are missing / or didn’t eventuate between 1 and 2 Corinthians. It is important.
If you want or need any more challenges see how many times you can read through 2 Corinthians in the week ahead of us.
Want another challenge? Try reading it through in as many different translations as you can.
If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.
Nothing worth having comes without sweat.
You’ll ultimately loose what you don’t understand.
Jeffrey Rachmat