in whom [referring back to the source of inheritance we have been given]
we also have received an inheritance [the referrent of the relative phrase which introduces this statement]
determined beforehand [referring to the inheritance just mentioned and the timing of its setting]
according to the purpose [a relative phrase of the cause relating to the purpose which is subsequently revealed]
of the One working all things [the source of that purpose, the One who instigates the purpose]
in accord with the purpose (agreement) [the reason or causation of that same purpose]
of His will [notice the number of times the theme word “will” has been mentioned in these words of Paul as they tumble out]
Ephesians 1:11
Now Paul turns to the matter of our inheritance. Having said we are adopted children in His family, he now addresses the issue of our inheritance. Remember Paul started this flow of thought with the idea of the spiritual blessings that come to us as a result of our being “in Him”. I mentioned “inheritance” in the Gem I wrote on adoption (Gem 613) but only in the context of adoption as it is a natural part of adoption. Now Paul brings it up officially so to speak. In whom, namely Him, the beloved Son, we have received an inheritance. Take some time now to examine this verse to see what you can glean from it details related to the inheritance that is yours. If you have an inheritance then it is crucial that you know about it, in order to be able to claim it. It is necessary for you to find out about it so you know what is rightfully yours. If this were a worldly inheritance you would want to know if you qualified or not. And of course like us all you would want to know what you were going to receive.
Take some time to do your research before the lawyers come and want you to sign papers. Who knows, you might be signing AWAY your inheritance and all the while thinking you were signing OFF on it. Check out what is rightfully yours. The first step is to pay careful attention to what Paul says here. And if you have more time check out the nature of your inheritance fully in all the legal documents available. Know what I am talking about? Of course you do – Ephesians and the whole Bible.
At the very least take the time to look at what Paul has to say here. We will continue to investigate our inheritance next Gem. Here are some helpful suggestions to you: (All things you would want to know in the case of an earthly inheritance)
- Who is eligible for this inheritance?
- What is the inheritance? What is at stake?
- What is the time frame for the terms of inheritance to be applied? When do I get it?
- Are there terms and conditions which apply (which might cause me to forfeit my inheritance)?
Go and see your lawyer and check it out. Check the documents.
Are you God’s child? Is there a family resemblance on your Father’s side?
Don’t see yourself as a product of your parents’ DNA, but rather as a brand-new idea from heaven.
Max Lucado