When Jesus’ parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favour was on Him. Every year Jesus’ parents went …
Snapshots Of Jesus' Childhood Gems
Here are three Gems which give us insight into Jesus childhood. I combined them because they give us understanding of how Jesus responded even at an early age.
Bible Gem 760 – A Naughty Boy / or Incompetent Parents? (Luke 2:43-52)
After the celebration was over, they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents didn’t miss Him at first, because they assumed He was among the other travellers. But when He didn’t show up that evening, they started looking for Him …
Bible Gem 761 – About His Father’s Business (Luke 2:46-52)
. . . they finally discovered Him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions. All who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. His parents didn’t know what to think. “Son,” His mother said to …