Judge the criticism; love the critic. If it's true change; if it's not, forgive!
It is a blessed release when you make the decision to let go of what you can’t change!
Either you will change their life or they will change yours. .
Some people say we live in a world of irreconcilable differences. Others say that true peace, lasting peace, can't be obtained because we haven't found a way yet to change the human heart.
If you want to change the world, put your hand in the hand of the One who made the world in the first place.
If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Learn to allow God to change you before you open your mouth and share it with the world.
True change is based on a change in the inner man not a alteration at the surface level.
The moment you change your position to follow the majority you have taken a backward step.
Your potential to change comes not when circumstances change, but when your attitude toward them changes.