Instead of finding a solution to life's problems every now and then, you can walk each day in a “spirit of wisdom and of revelation”.
Instead of finding a solution to life's problems every now and then, you can walk each day in a 'spirit of wisdom and revelation".
When you doubt God you cut yourself off from His power, doubt replaces trust, and you put down roots of bitterness that makes you cynical.
Consider how much we have to learn to make up for what we keep forgetting.
Think how much you have to learn to make up for what you keep forgetting.
Don’t allow anyone to convince you that God minds you having money. He doesn’t; He just minds money having you!
In fact, we don't even have to ask for them, they're automatically given to us when we put God's kingdom ahead of our own.
Forgiving, when you've been deeply hurt, is one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but you must forgive, and keep on forgiving until resentment no longer controls you. '
The more you prepare yourself, the more opportunities God will give you.
By helping others you're paving the way for God to 'supply all your needs', and His shovel is much bigger than yours!