Never allow your attitude to be persuaded by another person’s bad day.
Choose you this day whom you will serve . . . as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15) This side of eternity is the time to decide.
Instead of finding a solution to life's problems every now and then, you can walk each day in a “spirit of wisdom and of revelation”.
I pray today you may have a God-breathed idea that leads to a God-given opportunity!
Come with us: It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.
You my dear reader are a witness or a potential witness to the God activity which is going on all around you every day.
Your life is a result of your choices. If you don't like the life you're living today, then it's time to make better choices.
The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.
There is nothing more dangerous than the moment you become a hostage to yesterday's comfort zone.
If God can turn night into day, He can certainly turn the threat against you into a blessing.