Sometimes the best way to really get your message across is to understate the case and keep them pondering.
When you are at a cross roads in life, learn to ask God for direction and then do what He says.
Your acceptance was decided on the cross before you were even born.
God said, "This is how much I love you" and then proceeded to stretch His hands out wide, as wide as the Cross.
You will never cross the line into greatness if you require the approval of everyone around you.
In Ancient Greek marathons, a torch was handed to each runner at the starting line. To win, they had to cross the finishing line with their torch still burning.
The"CROSS is offensive" because it offends our pride. We want to think we're good enough to enter heaven without it.
God won’t grade your life on the curve, but on the Cross.
If the cross and all creation is the preparation, what will the banquet be?
The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standards.