I have had two people write to me and ask a very good question which shows you two are doing some good thinking. Or know your Bible well enough to know the right questions to ask. How is it that people lived beyond 120 years …
Nugget: Has Only One Modern Woman Passed the 120 Limit?
My New Word for the Week – Isopsethia
I have just had the most AMAZING week! Well, all my weeks are amazing really but this week was one out-of-the-box. I am currently in the midst of writing Deeper Bible 701 level and putting together the PowerPoint slides for it. I have been working …
God’s Back or God’s Afterglow
I told you in the Nugget I wrote on the Expanding Universe, before we went to Indonesia: “In the next Nugget I want to explore this in a different way and share with you a rabbinical interpretation of origins and God which is also mind-blowing. …
Nugget: Don’t Let the Facts Get in the Way of a Good Story (A Response to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Codes)
Many would say why bother to write a critique about a fictional book. “Lighten up, Ian. It’s a good read.” Granted, it is a good read. I enjoyed the book myself, but then I can laugh at the outrageous things Brown writes in the guise …
Nugget: Success from God’s Point of View
For the next series of Nuggetsl I will look at the theme of Leveling Up – “Success or Perfection” VS Maturity” We will look at Success or Perfection but from God’s point of view. I think you already sense that this is going to be …
Nugget: God’s Perspective of a Hero of Faith
We continue our examination of the theme “Success or Perfection” vs Maturity”. Looking at Success or Perfection from God’s point of view. Heroes of faith do wonderful, mighty exploits like raising the dead to life, conquering new lands, being willing to sacrifice everything for God. …
Nugget – Remembering Your Memorable Moments in God
I have been focused on the “Stones Night” for Deeper Bible 601 this week and I have had two interactions with past participants over how much the Stones meant to them in this level of Deeper Bible. Both participants said how they had come to …
Nugget: Repentance – The Antidote to the Human Problem
I am continuing with the steps:- Remember Repent Do the things you did at first from the last Nugget. This week we focus on Repent – Repentance. I have written much on this over the years. Through the time of writing Bible Gems I have …
Nugget: Do the First Works
Remember therefore from where you have fallen; Repent, Do the works you did at first. Revelation 2:5 It’s not enough just to say “you’re sorry.” That is not genuine repentance. Real repentance describes an inward change that results in outward change. Real, inward repentance shows …
After Christmas Musings – Left Overs and Unopened Gifts
Rather than get into a detailed discussion of ancient alphabets at this time my mind turned to the post-Christmas scene of leftovers and returned presents or even the extreme of unopened gifts. Are leftovers a part of your after-Christmas experience? Do you get caught up …