Even worse, imagine waking up to the reality of a Christ-less Eternity.
A power encounter is simply an opportunity to prove the reality of Jesus for yourself and those witnessing the encounter.
When humans forbid the bidding of God, then you are set for a power encounter where the impossible becomes reality in an instant.
If in preaching the gospel you substitute your knowledge of the way of salvation for confidence in the power of the gospel, you hinder people from getting to reality.
If you study God’s teachings, you will be reminded that God’s reality is the ultimate reality.
There is no reality more breathtaking than Jesus Christ.
Often the problem is not in setting the ideal but in knowing what the reality really is.
There is an irony to the fact Jesus told us to seek first the Kingdom of God, but in reality it is the last thing we seek.
The deadliest Pharisaism today is not hypocrisy, but unconscious unreality.
The human race crave the experience of wonder (and surprise). There is no reality more breathtaking than Jesus Christ.