God After Our Image
All our prayers would be answered instantly. Whatever we asked for would be granted. We would have the trouble free life we all long for, even deserve. We would have perfect knowledge about everything because we deserve a full explanation on everything, including knowing everything about good and evil. Believers would live long prosperous lives and never have any disease or pain and would be constantly blessed. The truth about god would be clear to everyone. Justice would be shown clearly to fall on the guilty quickly and right living people would live in happiness and contentment. Everyone could do what was right in their own eyes and everyone would be happy.
Instead of having free choice, our god would remove wrong doing from the world and make it so all people loved their god and did what was right according to them. There would be no natural disasters, no dangers, no evil, no crime, no deceit, no lies. Everyone would love everyone else and the world would be a perfect place; Utopia. Everyone would tell the truth, we would be kind to one another and live blissful, peaceful lives. There would be no pain, no suffering, no tears, no death and all good people would live forever. There would no issues between the sexes, all would be harmonious and we could do whatever we wanted and no one would judge anyone else. There would be no gender issues, no racial issues, no division between religions because we would know god intuitively after the image we wanted god to be and all would be happy.
Everyone would be treated equally and fairly. No one would be mistreated, abused, criticised, slandered, put down, belittled or made fun of. All people would be treated equally and paid a fair wage. There would be no work place persecution. In fact let’s go all the way and ask our god to make it so that we don’t have to work at all but we still get paid the money we are worth, enough to buy whatever we want. As a result there would be no need for stealing anything, no theft, no conmen, conwomen or conpeople. No pilfering, nicking, “borrowing” or perks. There would be no need for courts or a justice system. Everyone would know what was the right way to live and there would be no wrong doing. No children or innocent people would suffer and there would be fairness and justice for all.
Everyone would see clearly there is a god and fall on their knees and accept the god we all made in our own image and after our own desires. When that moment came and we knew that our god was true, we would fall on our knees and give thanks to the god we know to be true. The moment we accepted our own personal god we would disappear, having been taken to heaven to be with our god forever. It would soon become clear to everyone that there is a god who is worth believing in and everyone would want to be in on it. It would be clear to all that when each person came to know their god personally they would be taken up to that perfect place because they were ready, having been made perfect according to their own desires. Oh it goes without saying that we could all do whatever gave us pleasure and we could go from every increasing degrees of whatever pleased us to more pleasure of whatever we could dream up. We could freely tell each other and encourage others how good life is the way we are living it and no one would be judged or condemned.
Now life would be perfect and we would know that truly we had heaven here on earth and we would all be supremely happy and content. We would all have found our Utopia.
Or let’s simply blame God for everything and reject Him because if there truly was a God He would not allow bad things to happen to good people which leads us to ask . . .
- Is God even fair?
- How can some people see healings through their ministry and yet remain sick or impaired themselves? Is that fair?
- Why does God allow missionaries, his ambassadors, to die for the cause?
- How do we harmonize the belief that all sickness should be healed with the idea that God allows sickness and suffering, and God uses both for His purpose?
- Do miraculous healings happen for non-Christians too?
- How can God be called “just” in the light of the aftermath of the Acehnese earthquake of Boxing Day 2004?
- God, why did you let that happen?
- God, why did you allow that to happen?
- Isn’t one hard thing in life enough? Why do some people go through serial disasters?
- Isn’t there a quota for hardships experienced by one person? (Especially for fine Christian people)
- Doesn’t God protect His children? Isn’t He always with them, omni-present and all-knowing? Then why do disasters happen?
- How is that rogues and crooks “get away with murder”? Where is the justice in life?
- How long do we have to wait for justice? How can the Jesus say “God will see they get quick justice.” (Luke 18:8)
- How quick does it have to be to be quick?
- How can God be good, be in control of everything, love people, and still allow bad things to happen to fine upstanding people?
- Who is to blame for all the bad things in life?
- How can we trust that there really is a God when “acts of God” happen with monotonous regularity?
- Do miracles happen today?
- Why don’t we see them around us?
- Why do miracles always happen to other people in far-off places?
- Does anyone check to see whether the “healings” people claim are real, verifiable?
- Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
- How do Pain and Praise, Suffering and Solace, Grief and Glory go together?
- Why is there pain and suffering and grief in the world if God is good?
- Ian, Why have you paired Pain and Praise, Suffering and Solace, Grief and Glory? They don’t belong together.
- How can the fact a person was born blind or someone’s death be to the glory of God? (John 9:3, 11:4)
- Why did God give a baby to a couple who are not ready for a baby and not to a couple who had been waiting and praying for a baby for years?
- Why does God heal an eighty plus year old woman and allows a 20 year old young man to die?
- Why doesn’t God make sense?
- Why doesn’t God just make everyone love Him?
- Why doesn’t God just take people up to heaven when they believe in Him? People know their friend is seeking and then suddenly they disappear before their friend’s eyes.
- Why doesn’t God just stop evil, wrong doing and bad things if he is all powerful?