The Crab
- Sartan (Hebrew) – “who holds, who binds”
- Al Sartan (Arabic) – who holds, who binds”
- Sartano (Syriac) – “who holds, who binds”
- Claria (Coptic) – the cattle folds,
- Karkinos (Greek) – “encircling the possession”, “embraced” holding
- Cancer (Latin) encircling, holding, crab
Ps 144:13, Isa 40:11, 60:6, John 10:4, 16, 28, Eph 1:14, Heb 3:6,10:23
Stars of Cancer
Tegmine = “holding”
Acubene (Heb and Arabic) = “the sheltering”, “the hiding place”
Praesepe = “multitude”, “offspring” innumerable seed
Ma’alaph (Arabic) = “assembled thousands” “place of good rest”
Nepa (Greek) grasping
Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australia – she ass
Decans of Cancer
1. Ursa Minor – The Lesser Bear, Lesser Sheepfold the redeemed ,“the chosen of the flock” “awaiting him who comes”
- Kochab (Hebrew) waiting for Him who cometh, the redeemed assembly
- Al Pherkadain (Arabic) – the calves, the herd of God
- Al Gedi – the kid, the chosen of the flock
- Al Ruccaba – the pole star, the turned
- Al Kaid – assembled
- Cynosura – the base or the centre of the constellations. Massaroth
- Arcas, Dubheh – herd of animals
Job 9:9, 38:32, Micah 2:12
2. Ursa Major – the Great Bear, the sheepfold Ash or Aish (Hebrew) the assembled
- Dubheh (Arabiuc) a herd of animals
- Al Acola the sheepfold
- Benet Nash – daughters of the assembley (Joel 3:11)
- Cab’d Al Asdad – wealth of the multitude
- Annaish – the assembled // Ash
- Merach -the flock Heb – (Arabic) – purchased)
- Mezrez – separated, as the flock in the fold, cut off
- Phacad – visited, guarded, numbered
- Mizar – guarded, enclosed place
- Ursa – the Bear, the strong
- Alioth (Heb) – she goat, ewe
- Talita – the lamb
- Al Cor – the lamb
- El Kaphrah (Heb) protected, covered, redeemed
- Calisto – the sheep fold, those appointed
Isa 40:11, 60:7, Jer 23:3, Ezek 34:11,
3. Argo – the ship (returning the redeemed to their heavenly home)
Argo – the company of travelers
Sephina – the multitude, multitudinous good
Tureis – the possession
Canopus – the possession of Him who cometh
Asmidiska – the released who travel
Soheil (Arabic) the desired
Subilon – the branch
John 14:1-3, Rev 3:21; 7:9-17; 21:4
Particular Features of the Constellation of Cancer
Difficult to determine the variations expressed in this sign across the systems of star signs. E.g. Scarabaeus (Egyptian) the scarab beetle. It is difficult to determine which sign was the most ancient, therefore hard to determine primacy.
- In the Mazzaroth Cancer linked to Pisces –> fish ~ Christians
- Multiple legs – numerous members of the body.
- The crab goes through growth stages or metamorphosis and serially sheds its shell. (Putting off the old man)
- Scarab beetle goes through beetle stage, becomes a chrysalis then grows wings and flies.
- The ability and tenacity of the crab to hold on appears to be in focus.
- Prasaepe – one of the brightest nebula in the skies; it is often mistaken for the head of a comet.
- Called in modern astronomy “the beehive”. It’s a collection of innumerable stars – exactly the idea expressed in the Scripture relating to the descendants of Abraham. (Gen 22:17, Gal 3:16)
Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis – the she-ass – both straddle Praesepe.
A parallel idea to what is expressed in Pisces with the northern and southern fish bound to the lamb with cords. Here again as in Pisces there appear to be two classes of redeemed bound together. Both the connection to Issachar (Deut 33:18-19) and Jacob’s prophecy (Gen 49:10-15) are reflective of that; everything links together. How like God to do that. Each of these references among many others reflect the final achievements of seed of the woman, (the children of God.)
Cancer represents our need to cling to God and preserve and His loving arms around the assembled multitude eternally. At least that was the original intention in the Mazzaroth across all ancient languages before the Zodiac was corrupted with other interpretations.
The Greeks called Ursa Minor, Areas or Arktos which derives from Arx meaning “the stronghold of the saved”. Aish or Ash in the Ursa Major constellation, ancient Jewish commentators claimed refers to the Seven Stars of Ursa Major or the seed of the woman. Some link these seven stars to the seven churches in Revelation. Well you have to admit it makes sense. The seven stars in Ursa Major could even depict an enclosed sheepfold as some claim.
There is much to be said about the Pole Star in Ursa Minor but I will save that until we put all the pieces together after we have finished the 12 constellations and their associated Decans.
There is one constellation remaining – Leo (The Conquering Lion of Judah) next Nugget.
Thank you!